Sunday, 27 April 2008

Kayak Journal - Warsash Wash Out

Sunday 27th April 2008

April showers? Having been woken by Griff phoning to see where I was (sorry!) I proved that it is possible to go from sleep to paddling in thirty minutes, even with a heavy head. A new personal best, but not one to be proud of.

Warsash was a hive of activity, even at 8.30 in the morning. The threat of rain looked as though it would pass. Getting afloat was a bit like joining the motorway; the river was emptying very quickly with a mass exodus of racing yachts. This added to the fun, crossing their path en route to Calshot. Midway across Southampton Water, the rain started. We had heard a few rumbles in the distance, with the odd arc of lighting but now it was upon us. It hammered down and I wished that I had put my spray top on before we set off. Stopping mid way across the channel was not a good idea, with a coaster of moderate size bearing down on us. Visible was dramatically reduced, at least at our height, by the rain bouncing back up from the surface.

By the time we reached Calshot, I was saturated. Fortunately, the RNLI pier offered some shelter from the rain so we sat under it and cooked breakfast - spicy meat balls and beans - perfect! The rain passed over and visibility cleared up with the passing of the weather front.

Our return crossing was much more relaxed and we eyed up some possible camping spots on the Hook coast line. We paddled leisurely back to Warsash loosely planning our circumnavigation of the Isle of Wight. If we talk any more about, we will have to go and do it.

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