Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Kayak Journal - Out of Date

January 2009
Th guys and I have had a few short paddles over the latter part of 2008, but only covering old ground - nothing worth writing about.

2008 passed without a camping trip and this is something I am determined to rectify early in 2009, cold weather or not.

Various injuries and illness have discouraged any trips this month, but once Griff recovers from his snake bite(!) we shall be off over the Isle of Wight again to explore the remaining rivers (Newtown, Medina and Yar) only known to me from the comfort of a bigger boat.

A circumnavigation of the Island awaits when the weather and work permits.

1 comment:

  1. Ho Ho Ho- just seen this! Yes recovered quickly, especially as it barely broke the skin- but sounds good after a few pints around a camp fire. Bring on some Kayak camping!
